Products: Air Pollution Control, Dust Removal, Services & Retrofits
Industry: Cement & Lime
Location: Tambon Pukrang, Thailand

Boldrocchi was contracted to perform a conversion to transform several electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) into fabric filters on line 2 kiln & raw mill in Tambon Pukrang, Thailand. We are also providing ID fans for the project, slated to be complete in 2019.


A conversion is when the external casing is used, but the internal parts are transformed to change the technology of the system. We have performed many conversions of ESPs into fabric filters like the one in Thailand. Boldrocchi has a special team dedicated to retrofit, upgrade and conversion solutions. Our specialists study the system parameters and environmental targets and advise whether reusing existing parts or systems is a possibility. There are definitely advantages: reduced CAPEX (can be a fraction of the price), excellent performance (often nearly the performance of a new system), a capacity increase is often possible, minimal layout and ductwork changes and minimal downtime.


Boldrocchi also did the in-house design and manufacturing of the kiln & raw mill’s ID Fans. These have more than 5 MW of installed power, electric motors and variable speed drives (VSD).